
ERP System Frontend

ERP System Frontend

Based on the ERP System backend simplifying the process of management of the store and E-commerce site. Fully functional and ready to be used. Deployed on GCP.

Tech Stack: Next.js, React Query, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn/ui, docker.

E-commerce Backend

E-commerce Backend

E-Commerce Backend with complete ERP System and store management. Implimenting a complete ERP System and store management, including product management, order management, inventory management, customer management, product management, sales and revenue tracking, secrch functionality, pagination, role based authentication and authorization.

Tech Stack: Nodejs, Apollo server, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Prisma, TypeScript, role based Auth, docker.

E-commerce Frontend (Development phase)

E-commerce Frontend (Development phase)

E-Commerce App with GraphQL API

Tech Stack: Nextjs, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI, TypeGraphQL, React Query, TypeScript, Session based Auth.

Result Processing and Management with student administration System

Result Processing and Management with student administration System

An automated system for processing, publishing and archiving results for University as well as student administration system

Tech Stack: Nodejs, Express, Pug, CSS, Javascript, Sequelize ORM, PostgreSQL, Redis, Bcrypt, Passportjs.